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Modern UI Components Built for The
Most Demanding Enterprise Apps

Easily drag & drop from our expansive UI component toolbox to create stunning applications faster.

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Modern UI Components Built for The Most Demanding Enterprise Apps

Build Your App First, Then Choose Your Framework

Redefine the way you build your next business app. Generate production-ready code from anything you’ve created for any platform with our framework-agnostic set of components.

Low-code by the numbers with App Builder

Intuitive WYSIWYG Drag & Drop IDE

Reduce the complexities of app development by leveraging the low-code WYSIWYG App Builder, allowing you to easily drag and drop any feature-rich control from our toolbox.

Low-code by the numbers with App Builder
App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature App Builder Components Feature

60+ Enterprise-Grade UI Controls

High-volume data, high-speed user interactions coupled with the most performant grids and charts on the planet that bring your data to life.

Grid table showing list of sales information per person built using Ignite UI for Angular's grid component.

Styling & Features That Your Users Expect

Easily match your data visualizations with your company theming and branding to create a sense of visual persistency throughout the entire app. Choose from our extensive color palette that includes options that ensure full accessibility.

Styling & Features That Your Users Expect

Configuring Components & App Mastery

Create apps with a more sophisticated look and feel going beyond common Master-Detail use cases. Facilitate rapid iteration, accelerate prototyping, ensure brand consistencies.

Configuring Components & App Mastery

Frequently Asked Questions

Blazor code generation is a process that automatically creates code for your Blazor apps. It leverages Razor templates to generate components, reducing development time and errors that typically result from hand-coding.

There are a lot of advantages of using platforms like App Builder. For example, using a Blazor code generation platform can significantly speed up development time, ensure code consistency, and reduce bugs. It’s a great feature for large-scale applications and team projects.
Other benefits of using Blazor code generation platform include:
  • Prioritizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous delivery
  • User-friendliness and ease of use
  • Framework-agnostic approach to building apps and ability to switch from one framework to another in a click
  • Brings 60+ reusable components for Angular, Blazor, Web Components (soon for React) that can be easily customized further to match branding and requirements
  • Integrates a design system working with Sketch and Figma
  • Ability to generate code and preview it side by side with the app
  • GitHub integration

App Builder allows you to start creating an app without writing code and then it generates the app in a click. The generated code is production-ready, easy to maintain, and matches platform conventions. You can create the app UI using a WYSIWYG design surface and add/configure components for the desired framework.
Then, if you want, you can add more logic by generating the app and extending it in your IDE using our developer documentation, and a detailed API documentation too.

App Builder officially supports both Blazor WASM and Server code generation options. You can build any Blazor UI with simple drag & drop and get production-ready Razor, C#, and CSS code in a single click for the components you need.

Customizing the generated Blazor code happens quickly and easily. The way App Builder does that is by enabling developers to customize the code in the platform only upon code generated app.

Yes, you can integrate Blazor code generated in low-code App Builder with your existing Blazor project. You can copy and paste the generated code directly into your existing project files, adjust it where necessary and customize it further. Always make sure to inspect and review the generated code to avoid bugs.

Yes. With App Builder for Blazor, teams can import a Sketch or Figma design file and transform it to production-ready code for Angular, Blazor, and Web Components (soon for React). To do it, just drag and drop your Sketch file into the “Create from existing design” area. Then make any necessary customizations. If you want to generate code from a Figma design file, then you will need to use the Figma Plugin.

The low-code tool’s intuitive user interface, visual development environment, and availability of a drag-and-drop functionality make App Builder simple so anyone can start with it. And with the available learning resources (video tutorials, how-to guides, webinars, comprehensive documentation, help from the support team), getting used to using it is easy and fast.

Accelerate the Delivery of Your Next
Enterprise Application With App Builder