Component Properties Binding in App Builder

    Binding to component properties in App Builder involves connecting the properties of a component's configuration to various data sources. This process is facilitated by a plug icon, which is visible in each bindable component property. Let's delve into an example to understand this better.

    Simplified Binding with Variables

    Previously, binding a Title and Subtitle to a Card component required iterating through a data array. This iteration made a data context available for binding specific data fields. However, with the introduction of variables, binding has become more versatile. Now, you can create a variable of any type and directly bind it to a Card component, eliminating the need for a data repeater.


    For this topic examples we will be using the Northwind WebAPI.

    Data Repeating Through an Array Variable

    Consider a scenario where you have a collection of movies and wish to display details about the highest-grossing box office movies based on a selection. Here's how you can achieve this:

    1. Bind the Movies Collection: Connect the movies collection to a component (like a Combo box) that supports multiple selections. Add an event handler and set a variable action as previously discussed.

    Array type variable

    1. Create an Array Variable: Set up an empty Array variable named "Box Office Revenue". The Data Type is automatically determined based on the data source of the Combo component.

    New Variable dialog

    1. Bind to a Card Component: Link the "selectedMovies" variable to a card component. Bind the Title and Subtitle properties to the appropriate data fields from the Data Context.

    Data context binding

    The result is a dynamically updated card component based on your selection:


    Cross-View Communication with Global Variables

    Understanding the scope of variables is crucial, Sso here is what we've learned:

    • Global Variables: Facilitate data transfer between different views. A global variable created in one view is accessible in all other views.
    • Local Variables: Handle data exchange within the components of the same view.


    What's the essence of App Builder components binding?

    • Enhanced Flexibility: Variables in App Builder allow for more flexible and efficient data binding, reducing the need for data repeaters.
    • Simplified Data Contexts: Direct binding of variables to components simplifies the creation of dynamic UI elements.
    • Scope Awareness: Understanding the distinction between global and local variables is key for effective data management across different views.
    • Practical Application: The process of binding a movies collection to a card component illustrates the practicality and ease of using variables for data binding.

    Additional Resources